Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Birth Story

   I don't want to forget a second.  The day (night) that Anthony came into my life is the best day of my life. 
   Wayne and I had just moved to Texas and started new jobs.  Wayne had only been at his law firm for a month, and I had been at the studio for about 3.  We opted to have an induction the weekend of my due date so there would be no complications with requesting time off.  On August 20, 2012, after getting off work at 8:30PM, we went to Plano Presbyterian Hospital and got checked in.  After playing a million questions, they administered Cervadil.  I started having contractions not so long after, and wow, so painful!  My favorite person in the hospital appeared, the anesthesiologist!  I got my epidural when I was only dilated about 3 cm.  No more pain for me!  I slept through the night (kind of) then they gave me Pitocin in the morning to get the contractions more regular and stronger.  It definitely worked!  I was in full-blown labor after about noon.  I got stuck around 6 cm, but then my water broke.  My OB came in and broke the rest of my water.  I started feeling not only pressure, but pain as well.  I had a booster to my epidural at around 9 cm, then it was time to push.  I started pushing at 8PM.  29 minutes later, Anthony Francis Massengale was brought into the world and took his first breath.  We had a bit of a scare late in the game.  The cord was wrapped around his neck twice and his heartbeat was dipping.  The doctor decided that an episiotomy was the best option.  Now I opted for a mirror and really wish I would have looked away for this part!
   After taking his first breath and hearing him cry, Wayne cut the cord and they put my son on my chest. He looked into my eyes and my heart just melted.  I cried and cried and couldn't stop telling him how much I love him!  They took him to weigh him, measure him, and make sure his coloration and everything was ok.  He was perfect!  He weighed 6 lbs. and 14.5 oz and measured 19 inches long.

   After I was done being sewn up, I started violently shaking and shivering.  They handed Anthony to Wayne, and seeing him hold our son for the first time made me feel so much better.  I got to breastfeed pretty much right away in the delivery room and have never felt so accomplished, important, or natural in my life.  My parents, Morgan, Lili, Katie, and Megan were anxiously waiting to meet Anthony.  I allowed my parents to come in and hold him.  They fell in love instantly.
   I was poured into my wheel chair and up to the post partum room we went.  After getting settled in, the girls came up and met the newest member of our gang.
  The next day was a blur of pain meds, trying to pee, breastfeeding, bad movies, great food, and being in amazement that I birthed a tiny human.   It came time to go home.  Well, I was expecting a little chunker and his clothes swallowed him.  We took our time getting home and Wayne had his hands at 10 & 2 the whole time.